Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Week

We are in the midst of Holy week. There's a lot happening at St. Joe's as we gear up for the beautiful Masses we will experience this week.
Just so you don't miss anything, here are some important dates & times to put on the calendar:

Wednesday, March 31st - Shadow Stations in the Church at 7:30 PM

Thursday, April 1st, the Easter Triduum begins. This is a "three-day festival" of prayer and worship, composed of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil - the heart and core of the whole Church year - on Saturday evening.

Please join us for these special masses:

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper - 8:00 PM (Will you participate in the washing of the feet?)

Good Friday service - 1:00 PM

Easter Vigil - Saturday, April 3rd, 8:30 PM (Come celebrate as we welcome Tim Dolan, Nolan Dowd, Craig Anderson, Ryan Galbreath & Brian Fuhrman into the Catholic church, celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation & First Eucharist with Jessica Boone & Jason Micek, and the sacrament of Confirmation with Priscilla Fuhrman).

Easter Sunday Masses are at 8:30 & 10:15.

Blessings to you and your family!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Beaver Creek or Bust!

Confirmation Retreat
Beaver Creek Reserve
March 6-7, 2010

The retreat team is gearing up for a GREAT weekend in the Great Outdoors at Beaver Creek Reserve.

We'll depart from the front vestibule of St. Joe's at 12:30 on Saturday, and return by 2:00 PM on Sunday.
Dad’s, Grandpa’s, Uncles, I am in need of ONE MORE MALE CHAPERONE for this retreat. Even if you are only able to drive out to sleep and leave, please contact me!
What To Bring:

One bag or backpack of clothes & personal toiletries

Warm clothes (including hat/mittens/boots for outdoor activities)

Pillow, Sleeping Bag, extra blanket (the cabins are heated, but it may be a chilly night - bunk beds & mattresses are provided in the sleeping cabins)

An Open Mind and Heart, and a Positive Attitude!!!

Please leave all electronics at home (if you bring cell phones, etc they need to be left in your cabins or turned off)

You are welcome to bring snacks, but they will need to be kept in the Main Lodge, and are not allowed in the sleeping cabins (to discourage uninvited company!)

Call or e-mail me with any questions - I’ll see you on March 6th!